Hello and Happy New Year! In what might be becoming a New Year’s Day tradition, I offer to you all the stats summary for the 2023 season.
Only 2 broken records this year:
- Highest number of consecutive games without a rain-out, cross-season – 71, starting all the way back at 5/3/2022, passing 42 in a row, set back in the 14-15 seasons
- Highest number of consecutive games without a rain-out, contained to a single season – 36, following 35 in 2022
Also, a handful of ‘runner-up’ records:
- 2nd highest number of games per season – 36, following 37 in 2022
- 2nd highest number of player appearances – 797, following 822 in 2016
- 2nd highest number of players with 20+ games – 13, following 16 in 2016
- 2nd latest season ender – 11/21 in 2023, 11/22 in 2022
- Tied for second highest number of Regular Players (5+ games) – 44, following 52 in 2016
- Tied for second highest number of games with 20+ people – 23, following 27 in 2016
- 3rd highest number of games with 30+ people – 6, following 14 in 2016 and 9 in 2019
- 3rd highest number of players – 105, following 111 in 2015 and 107 in 2016
A few overall season stats:
- Total player appearances: 797 (up from last year)
- Unique player appearances: 105 (up from last year)
- Average players per game: 22.1 (up from last year)
- Regular players (5+ games): 44 people (up from last year)
- Super Regular players (20+ games): 13 people (up from last year)
- Ultra Regular players (30+ games): 4 people (same as last year)
And a few individual records:
- JJ requested at the beginning of the season to know how many games he played barefoot – this year, it was 15.
- We had our (probably??) first ever ‘regular’ canine player, with Riley showing up for 12 games and ‘playing’ at least 1 point.
- Adam D. played 24 games this season, breaking Nira’s previous record high of 22 games in a players’ first season with this team.
- Dave continues to break his own record for oldest regular player.
- Dave also played his second highest number of games this year, at 24 (1 game short of his 25 games in 2021).
- Becky broke her own record for longest consecutive streak to start a season (contained to 1 season) with 36 (up from 29)
- Cross-season, Becky also has an active game streak of 52, beating out Pete’s 36 in 2012-13, but still 2 games short of tying Bill’s longest cross-season streak of 54 games, set in 1995-98.
- This also makes Becky this season’s Frequent Attendance Record Trophy holder, again.
- Biller broke his own record for highest ever 5-year average of games played, averaging 30.2 games/year the last 5 years.
- The following people all had their highest number of games in a single season – Eric (24 -> 25), Collin (25 -> 30), Bill (32 -> 35), Deanna (33 -> 34), Becky (35 -> 36)
In the category of ‘movers and shakers:’
- Notable increases in games played this year were Ashar (+18), Kevin C (+14), Scooter (+12), and Jeff N (+12).
- Notable decreases in games went to Harrison (-15) and Nira (-14).
In the ‘Super Consistent’ Category (regular players who have played at least 100 games and averaged at least 10 games per year), we have 16 people who qualify! Collin joined the group by passing 100 games! Pete re-joined this group by returning to ‘regular’ status. Sadly, Dale fell out of this group by falling out of ‘regular’ status. See chart below for more info:

‘Iron Man’ Category (players who have played 20 or more games in each of 5 consecutive years)
- Current:
- Bill, who, at 13 consecutive years, broke his own 2-time record of 12 consecutive years of 20+ games
- Becky, with a streak of 6 years
- (NEW) Elliot, with a streak of 5 years – congrats!
- Future?
- Dave, Eric, and Deanna need all only need 1 more year of 20+ games
- Dan and Collin need 2 more years of 20+ games
2023 Regular Players:
1. Becky H. 36
2. Bill A. 35
3. Deanna S. 34
4. Collin H. 30
5. Elliot Z. 26
6. Eric S. 25
7. Dan C. 25
8. Dave H. 24
9. Adam D. 24
10. Ashar S. 23
11. Kevin C. 21
12. Mike E. 20
13. Kevin L. 20
14. John N. 19
15. Roger B. 18
16. Scooter S. 18
17. Bob N. 18
18. Tinu O. 18
19. Jack C. 16
20. Kaitlin K. 16
21. Christopher B. 15
22. JJ D. 15
23. Paul W. 15
24. Preetham R. 14
25. Roger S. 14
26. Niranjan I. 13
27. Jeff N. 12
28. Riley S. 12
29. Brendan A. 11
30. Jack H. 11
31. Richard F. 11
32. Jain Ping S. 10
33. Ian S. 9
34. Philip D. 9
35. Pete F. 8
36. Colin I. 8
37. Andrew N. 7
38. Dana P. 6
39. Ben D. 6
40. Mitchell S. 5
41. Belle W. 5
42. Amey M. 5
43. Sam O. 5
44. Amar P. 5
All-Time Records:

Congratulations to everyone on a great season! 100 days and counting until the (presumed) 2024 season opener – see you all in the Spring!