GAME ON !! Tewksbury Field at 5:30 and with lights, Tuesday the 28th

The rain should be ending between 5:30 and 6:00. Bring a spare pair of sox.

Wear something light colored, but not yellow.

There is a ground swelling of barefoot players wanting to play at Seabrook Beach on Tuesday October 5th. Air your thoughts this Tuesday.

Floating this up. To keep an end-of-season party out of a confined space, we could have it outside on a weekend, in the daytime. This allows us to continue with post-season play, under the lights, as long as it works. Air your thoughts.

See you Tuesday, September 28th at the Tewksbury field, at 5:30.

Park anywhere at Seabrook Beach

Really, sources tell me that “resident parking” is over for the season. Parking right by the beach access will shave 15 minutes off of you getting to Seabrook Beach on Tuesday September 21st by 5:30! That gives us over 1 1/2 hours of play. The forecast says the air will be warm. The calendar says it is still summer, so, the water will be warm. The moon says it will be there for us! Woot woot !

Last Tuesday, the field lights worked better than they look. About half of them came on bright! I’ll take it.

See you Tuesday, Sept 21st at Seabrook Beach at 5:30.

Lights in Tewksbury, Tuesday Sept 14th

Let there be sunshine! A quick test, showed the field lights are working!
Game on at the Tewksbury field, Tuesday Sept 14th at 6pm until midnight!

Other news:
The beach lovers want to return to Seabrook on Sept 21st. If the weather holds, this will set a record or two.
Next year is our 40th, time for a new disc! Kevin Fuller, you out there? Anyone?
We will need a host for the end of season party.

Beach Beach Beach Tuesday Sept 7th !!

Sand lovers have spoken. The beach it is.

For the sun lovers… Early start at 5:30 !!!

Other news:
We have lights at the Tewksbury field!
Next year is our 40th, time for a new disc! Kevin Fuller, you out there? Anyone?
We will need a host for the end of season party.

See you Tuesday Sept 7th at 5:30 at Seabrook Beach!!

Tewksbury, Tuesday, August 31st

What a great Beach night last week. Perfect all around. I’m biased.. I had my best layout of the season 🙂 A good beach night in August, means the sand lovers are pushing for another beach night on Tuesday Sept 7th! From this distance, the weather is looking fine. The sun sets shortly after 7pm, so, we will start at 5:30. Plan accordingly! Skip the sunscreen.

This week’s game is in Tewksbury (Pete), Tuesday Aug 31st at 6pm

Summertime in Tewksbury, Tuesday Aug 17th

Sorry to disappoint you rain lovers, but we will have a beautiful evening for ultimate this Tuesday. I hope I will finally get all of Markey’s lobster picked out of my teeth by then. Next time I’ll have to use Mike E’s technique of flushing the lobster out with Hogies Too ice cream.

See you all on Tuesday August 17th at the Tewksbury field at 6pm.

Seabrook Beach Tuesday, July 27th

Finally, a warm evening at the beach!
Low tide is late again, so, 6:15 is a good arrival time.

BROWNS afterwards! There’s a good bit of beer and other alcoholic beverages left over from the party. I have kept it cool, and I will bring it to Browns which allows carry-in beverages. Browns is the restaurant across the street from Markey’s. Their food options are similar, but, they are slower, which means more time to drink the beer!