It will be brisk! We won’t be spoiled with nice weather.
See you at the Tewksbury Sign-In Table, Tuesday, May 18th at 6:00.
Merrimack Valley Ultimate – Season 42 of Tuesday Evening Pickup
It will be brisk! We won’t be spoiled with nice weather.
See you at the Tewksbury Sign-In Table, Tuesday, May 18th at 6:00.
Dale is jumping out of his skin! I’m sure we will set a record for the warmest (hottest?) opening evening! Tuesday may hit 80.. with perfect temperatures by game time.
Look for the Waiver Table. We will be strict with waivers this year. We will have a sign-in sheet and plenty of waiver forms. Don’t forget the $20 fee which covers the whole year!
We have new landlords this year. They have graciously allowed us to play and have accepted the USA Ultimate liability insurance which is what our $20 pays for.
Let’s go easy on the field’s grass. It is still dormant. We don’t want to rip it up. Living on sand and without being able to fertilize, I envy the field’s turf.
Lastly, a big thanks to Roger & Linda for hosting the Opener party. I loved it. I just won’t admit to what I left behind.
Spring begins Tuesday, April 4th, at Linda & Roger’s house.
In case anyone is allergic, please note that a chocolate lab will be partying with us.
Full feasting begins at 6:30 PM. You can come over as early as 5 PM if you wish. People who arrived early can play some catch in the street or the backyard.
Roger will lead us in the ancient Hawaiian “Dry Field” dance and chant.
For the dance to work, we will need to eat and drink a lot!
So, bring your tasty dishes for all to share, as we always do.
I propose we begin feasting at 6:30. More details will follow.
If the field is ready and the insurance comes through, we can begin play the following Tuesday, April 11th!
There is a new owner/manager of the field, so, let’s be on our best behavior.. meaning wait for the insurance binder and not playing if the field’s vulnerable dormant mushy grass is half under water.
This year, we will be strict in making sure people have waivers. The goal is to begin the evening with a sign-in sheet. There is no cost for USA Ultimate members, for all others, its $20 for the entire season! There is no waiver or cost on beach nights.
We will be stamping discs for our 35th year! Kevin Fuller is working on the art. Any suggestions can be passed to Kevin.
See you all Tuesday, April 4th, at Roger’s house at 6:30 with food and drink.
OK, so there is still snow, and, we have not heard from Dave yet, however, our application for sanctioning is in, and, the schedule is posted! Do we have a beginning of season party spot picked? That could be in less than two weeks on April 4th! We could begin playing on April 11th if everything comes through, the snow melts, and, we get the “Let’s begin” from Dave.
We play soon!
Dale’s yearly statistical summary is up on our Summaries page.
Let’s hear it for Statman!!
It’s not over until the fat food gets eaten!
2016 End of Season Party is this Tuesday, October 18th, from 6:30 on.
We will either buy pizzas or fire up the grill for burgers or whatever.
If you can, bring a dish: snacks, salads, desserts, side dishes.
There will be some beer and sangria; many people bring their own.
Variety is what makes this a great feast fest.
Pete and Habi live off of exit 6 of the Everett Turnpike (Rt. 3) in Nashua.
It is close to the highway, but, the streets are not grid-like. Use your GPS.
17 Huron Dr.
Nashua, NH
home: 603-883-7053
cell: 603-320-2892
Don’t miss it!
Damn, every year this happens. The sun sets earlier and earlier.
Last game of 2016 is this Tuesday, October 11th at 5:15 !!!
We are not done yet.. the End-of-Season party will be at Pete & Habi’s house on Tuesday, October 18th. Details are coming soon, but, the party will be the same as always.
Hint for submitting award nominations.. think of something interesting. We all know who the fastest is, and, who the biggest bozo is. (Actually, I need help on the biggest bozo, unless you are thinking of me.)
See you this Tuesday, October 11th at the Tewksbury field at 5:15
We have 1 1/2 hours of light. Let’s make the most of it.
See you Tuesday, Oct. 4th, at 5:30 at the Tewksbury field.
Start time 5:30!
Please pass along your award nominations to Biller or Pete. Anyone who submits an award nomination will be free from abuse at the End of Season Party.
See you at the Tewksbury field, Tuesday Sept 27th at 5:30.
You are already hopelessly behind at work, so, it does not matter if you leave early.
See you at the Tewksbury field, Tuesday Sept. 20th at 5:30