Tewksbury on Tuesday, June 6th

One awesome warm night at Seabrook Beach. A good turnout with much family. Good decision to play. Thank you, Dave, for the idea. One observation over the evening, we saw the water continually rising up the beach higher and higher. Definitive proof of global warming!

See you all at the Tewksbury field, Tuesday June 6th at 6pm.

Tewksbury Tuesday; Seabrook Beach Thursday

Wow, a lot of convincing chatter in the email blaster. I’m game for the Thursday beach plan. It’s much warmer this Thursday, 80 degrees, than on next Tuesday. Let’s go with this:
Tuesday May 30th: Tewksbury as usual at 6pm
Thurdsay June 1st: Seabrook Beach at 6pm
with a low tide at 4:06pm.
Tuesday Jun 6th: Tewksbury as usual at 6pm

Directions to Seabrook Beach (from the website): http://frizzbee.com/index.php/2010/02/18/directions-to-seabrook-beach/

Game ON! Tuesday May 30th

The new sod is calling your feet to tamp it down. Who will be the first to lay out onto it?

I’m sending the reminder today, since Monday is a holiday.

See you Tuesday, May 30th at the Tewksbury field at 6pm.

Note we have a beach opportunity on Tuesday June 6th, weather/players permitting. We’ll decide this Tuesday.

Game on! Tuesday, May 9th

Good weather will meet us at the Tewksbury field. Last one there’s a rotten egg.

See you all Tuesday, May 9th at the field at 6pm.

Game Tuesday May 2nd

Another month, another set of Tuesdays!

It’s getting tight with 3 teams of 8. We may have to move to 2 smaller fields with fewer people per team. We will wing it as usual.

See you Tuesday May 2nd in Tewksbury at 6pm

Game On! Tuesday, April 25th

We are off to a good start. Wow! 3 teams of 8. Let’s keep it up.

Seasonal weather will greet us at the Tewksbury field, Tuesday April 25th at 6pm.
See you there.

GAME ON! Tuesday April 18th

Here we go! Hooray for a few fewer gopher holes, courtesy of last week’s rock-and-dirt crew. The field is in as good a shape as it ever is.

A change for the better on the waiver signing this year. There will be one printout of USA Ultimate’s liability waiver, and one of the Infectious Diseases Waiver (the Covid waiver). There is a separate sheet of paper with previous players’ names listed. Find your name, and in the appropriate columns, write the date which indicates you agree to the waivers. Despite the current inflation, the fee remains at $20 for the whole season! When your $20 goes into the envelope, your name’s gotta be written on the envelope.

See you all Tuesday, April 18th at the Tewksbury field, at 6pm