Summer weather in Tewksbury, Tuesday, Aug 27th

Should be a nice evening in Tewksbury, Tuesday, August 27th at 6:00.

A couple notes as we head into fall..

I’ll be hitting people up for signing the 2013 waiver and paying the $10 yearly fee that gets us the field.

If we have enough people wanting to squeeze in one last beach night, it is possible on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd.  We would have to start early to beat the sunset.  It will take a chunk of people to be vocal to make this happen.

The college kids are headed back to their resorts, so, the number of subs should reduce to “just right”.  Still, every so often, it’s good to remind ourselves that we play a very social, non-competitive game of Ultimate.  The idea is to have everyone involved in the game, regardless of ability.  That’s a big reason why we don’t even keep score until the very end.

With that in mind, there are a couple of things that we can all do to keep the game more fun for all:

  1. Substitute frequently, even if you’re not tired, if there are folks on the sidelines waiting to play.  This act of generosity will then apply to you when you’re waiting to play.
  2. Spread your throws around, focusing on shorter throws.  Long throws are certainly fun, but short throws involve more of your teammates and are therefore much more fun overall.  Besides, those long throws often are incomplete and therefore counterproductive in more ways than one.  So choose short throws whenever possible, and watch how much easier it is to score and most importantly, how fun it is for everyone.

See you at the Tewksbury field on Tuesday, August 27th, at 6:00.