Seabrook Beach Tuesday, July 27th

Finally, a warm evening at the beach!
Low tide is late again, so, 6:15 is a good arrival time.

BROWNS afterwards! There’s a good bit of beer and other alcoholic beverages left over from the party. I have kept it cool, and I will bring it to Browns which allows carry-in beverages. Browns is the restaurant across the street from Markey’s. Their food options are similar, but, they are slower, which means more time to drink the beer!

Beach Runner’s Delight, Tuesday July 13th

Our Cool Coast Summer Games continue! Yet another beach day with a high in the 60s. These have been great for us players! There’s no contention for sand, parking, or post-play seafood. The low tide is shifting from Thursday to Tuesday. This Tuesday’s low tide is not until 8:45. Let’s start closer to 6:30 for the sake of those who play in sneakers.

See you all Tuesday, July 13th at Seabrook Beach at 6:30.

My thanks to all of you that pitched in to make Saturday another epic party!