Next game, Tewksbury, Tuesday June 14th

Cool night forecast a week ahead of time… read “good running weather”.
Will we be able to top the pinnie team’s play-of-the-night where they earned a standing ovation from the folks on the sideline? As the pinnies worked their way down towards the endzone, the latency between tosses approached zero. At one point, one of the zings went to Deana who didn’t quite hold onto it. The ‘bee sped on and I think it was Matt who reacted quickly and grabbed it. Deana appeared to be clapping at his catch. Thus, when Matt instantly sent it back to Deana, she caught it mid clap, to her surprise. A few more quick zing, zing, zings and the point was scored! The sideline was the best place to be for that drive, and, we all applauded and leaped to our feet.

See you all Tuesday, June 14th at the Tewksbury field at 6:00.