Beach Party Saturday, July 7th

Saturday July 7th is our not-to-be-missed summer beach party!
The basics are:
This goes from noonish to post late night campfire.
Many crash overnight in tents, campers, or any cozy surface in the house.
I will have quantity of burgers, hot-dogs, kolbassi, corn-on-the-cob, maybe other stuff.
Others (you) bring salads, snack food, desserts, chips, fruit, salads, fruit salads, and desserts.
Some bring fancier stuff to grill.  It’s a long day, so plenty of grub is great.
I’ll have bottled water, sodas, ample beer, but if you want your favorite flavor, bring it.
The venue is a half acre swimable pond and beach, yard, woods, and volleyball.
If it is a hot day, come prepared to get wet to stay cool.
The fireworks have been delivered and it’s a good size pallet.
Come ready to listen and play some music.  How this rolls out varies year to year.  The “Not Fade Away” band will be doing some jamming.  Join in if it works, or, take the stage later, or strum out a few songs wherever you see fit.
“Ankers Pond” is showing up on google maps!  Our address works, too.
52 Chase Rd.
Londonderry, NH 03053
603-965-6563    :my cell phone which I’ll check, but rarely
603-437-7113     : house phone which someone may pick up if you are lucky.
That’s the scoop.  Please ask if you have any questions or concerns.  Like, yeah, you have to be careful not to get yourself or others hurt.  Let’s call this an “at your own risk” event.

See you on Saturday, July 7th, at Ankers Pond.  Bring some fun with you!