Frizzbee Golf at Muldoon Park will continue

As a group, we do not have a quorum of Ultimate players. If you want to play Ultimate, Phil’s Thursday evening “Woburn” league is playing at Soule school’s field in Salem, NH. You know many of the players, and, we’ve had a blast playing and socializing with them. Game starts at 5:45. Ask Phil or I if you want more information.

Us, “MVUF Tuesday Evening Pickup”, will continue disc golf on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm. We’ll stick with Muldoon Park on Mammoth Rd in Pelham, NH, but, we can play at other courses, too.

Disc golf is a great way to socialize (at a distance if you wish) and practice your throws. Watch out. I’ve learned 5 new throws! 4 of which involve trees. For the record, last Tuesday, the non-pinnies won the 18th basket.