More “summer” weather for Tuesday

I can call it “summer” because on last week’s drive home, there was construction on 93 north with only 1 lane open. That’s summer! And the weather will be good too.

Last week’s highlight was Mike E’s dive into the reeds to get the disc. He landed hard like he occasionally does on the beach. I’m not sure how he gets the earth to shake so much. If I’m talking reeds (or is it bamboo), I must mention JJ’s much more elegant reed encounter of the previous week. It was more of a Fast and Furious tip-toe through the protruding spiky things. No casualties. Well, Mike may report differently.

Highlights of this coming week… we expect our camera man to be there converting us into pixels. Maskers, please wear your smiley face mask.

See you all Tuesday, April 27th, at the Tewksbury field at 6pm.